Everyone knows what a ceiling fan is — a motor hanging from the ceiling with blades that spin and help us feel cool during summer. But how many of us actually know how ceiling fans work? There are many common misconceptions about ceiling fans and how they operate, but don’t worry — understanding ceiling fan physics isn’t as daunting as it sounds.
So, how does a ceiling fan work? There are a handful of core concepts behind the science of a ceiling fan: airflow, evaporative cooling, destratification and ceiling fan mechanics.
Ceiling fan blades do more than just look pretty; they play a vital role in keeping an area cool(er). Contrary to popular belief, the number of blades on a ceiling fan does not affect the airflow of a room. A ceiling fan with three blades can be just as effective as a ceiling fan with eight. What matters is the blade size, engineering, construction and the speed at which the fan blades move.
How do fan blades work? Modern fan blades are pitched, or angled, to not only push air, but to create a downdraft so as to move air efficiently through the space. Many also operate using Bernoulli’s principle. Like an airplane wing, the blades are tapered so as to create an updraft, or “lift.” Fans engineered to run in reverse (such as our entire line of industrial fan products) are capable of drawing air downward as well. This is useful for wintertime heating applications.
Fast fans increase airflow, but also require more energy to operate. Large blades move large amounts of air and are more effective when it comes to maintaining comfortable temperatures.
Now that you know how ceiling fans work, let’s take a look at VividAir fans in particular. Our high-volume, low-speed (HVLS) patented Z-Tech™ ceiling fan features a pitched hub and a unique, stepped blade design that creates more thrust and air movement than other HVLS fans. This gives it up to 30% more than comparable HVLS fans on the market using Bernolli’s priciple with an airfoil design. The long blades create a steady air current while moving at low speeds. They gently boost destratification and evaporative cooling in any environment without using excessive amounts of energy. Simply put, our HVLS fans are both effective and cost efficient.
Interested in how HVLS fans can help you reduce operation cost and improve air quality in your facility? Contact us.