Will a Large Industrial Fan Save Me Money?

If warehouses become too hot, too cold, or lack HVAC, industrial fans are the foremost solution. But facility managers often have to answer an important question: Will a high volume, low speed (HVLS) fan actually save me money and be a smart investment? The short answer is yes – but our air scientists will help you consider all the factors.

Pro: Reduce energy costs by up to 30%

Studies show that energy costs for warehouses account for the majority of their total operating costs. According to the US Energy Information Administration, heating and lighting are the two largest expenses for facilities, together accounting for 64% of total warehouse energy use.

Due to their large circumference and specially designed blades, HVLS fans consume far less energy than conventional fans. In fact, one HVLS fan can replace up to 34 traditional ceiling or tabletop fans. And HVLS fans are not only much more energy-efficient – they can be used together with other air conditioning systems for increased energy savings. A fan like Z-Chill or Z-Tech decreases the amount of energy used by an HVAC system by up to 25%.

Pro: Durability

HVLS fans are more durable than traditional ceiling fans, making them less likely to break down or require costly repairs and replacements. Our fans also come with a lifetime warranty on blades and mounting systems, as well as warranties on motors, gearboxes, and hubs. This makes it easy for facilities managers to save money in the long run.

VividAir fans are also powered by gearmotors – not direct drive motors. Too much strain on a direct drive motor can cause additional heat to build up, create larger issues, and ultimately motor failure that requires a replacement. A robust, durable HVLS fan with a gearmotor is an investment that has proven to effectively serve facilities for many years without additional repair costs.

Pro: Sustainability

Beyond direct energy cost savings, using HVLS fans supports sustainability efforts by reducing carbon footprint and energy consumption, which can be a significant factor for businesses aiming for green certification or to meet corporate sustainability goals.

Pro: Climate Control

By improving air circulation, HVLS fans can help reduce humidity levels within a facility. This is particularly beneficial in industries where moisture control is crucial, such as agriculture or warehousing. When climate control is effective, facilities can expect less “scrap” and wasted product due to temperature or air flow – ultimately saving money on your bottom line.

Pro: Increased Employee Productivity

Although not directly energy saving, improved thermal comfort can enhance worker productivity and reduce heat-related fatigue. This can indirectly contribute to cost savings through improved operational efficiency.

Con: Higher upfront cost

The upfront cost of purchasing and installing HVLS fans can be significant, especially for large facilities that require multiple units to effectively cover the space. This initial investment may be a barrier for some businesses with limited capital budgets. Our air scientists will work with you to design a fan layout unique to your space and your budget.

We know the decision to install HVLS fans is a big one, and it’s wise to carefully consider all costs and make a list of the pros and cons. In fact, our air scientists are here to help you make this decision and answer any questions you have. Our team of dedicated experts help corporations just like yours save money while creating a more comfortable, more productive work environment for employees.